Drone Registration Is Back In Effect

FAA Requires Registration of All Drones over .55lbs

Despite the FAA’s rule to register all drones (including recreational Drones) over .55lbs being overturned by the supreme court, a new regulation signed into law in late 2017 reinstates the requirement for all Drone owners new and old.

If you are getting a new drone for Christmas this year, or you already have a drone that has yet to be registered with the FAA.  You must complete the registration form and pay the $5 fee on the FAA’s website prior to flying your drone (UAS).  You can easily register your new drone on the FAA website following this link: Register Your Drone

Drone Ground School

Who Has To Register Drones?

Everyone who has a drone weight more the 0.55lbs and wants to fly their drone outside must register.  If you plan to only fly your drone indoors, then the FAA is not concerned with what happens within a closed building.  Once you wish to operate your drone outside (in the national airspace system), even if it is only 10′ off the ground, you must comply with FAA rules and regulations.  It is important to note, the $5 registration fee applies to all drone pilots, whether you have a pilot license or not, and whether or not you plan to fly your drone for hire or commercial purpose, you must register your drone and pay the $5 fee.

What Rules Do I Have to Follow?

The FAA does a good job of explaining the rules of where you can and cannot fly your drone to the average citizen.  You can find information on the app:  Before You Fly 

We also offer Drone Courses available to subscribers to FLY8MA.com to learn about the rules and regulations of flying your drone, as well as how to make money with your new UAS!

What Happens If I don’t Follow the Rules?

Failing to register your drone and then flying it outside, or operating your drone in airspace you should not be flying it may earn you some unwanted attention.  Should you encounter law enforcement or someone make a complaint with the FAA against you while flying your drone, you will most likely be subject to civil and possibly criminal penalties.

How do I Make a Complaint Against an Illegal Drone Operator?

So someone is flying a drone and you want to make a complaint against them.

There are a couple ways you can register a complaint with the FAA if someone if not following the rules when flying their drone.  The first way you can handle this is to call (866) TELLFAA ((866) 835-5322)

The second way you can make a complaint and have it forwarded on to the appropriate FSDO (flight standards district office) is to email the offices from this link direct to the FAA.  or You can follow the links here to make a complaint specifically against a Drone or UAS operator.

Drone Registration Is Back In Effect
Article Name
Drone Registration Is Back In Effect
FAA is now requiring all drones over .55lbs to be registered once again.
Jon Kotwicki
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